A. St. Rose of Lima School operates under the Diocese of Bridgeport. It is located on the campus of St. Rose of Lima Parish in Newtown, CT. The parish is very supportive of our school and the pastor, Fr. Peter Cipriani, sits on the school advisory board.
A. We follow the Newtown Public Schools calendar, with the exception of some professional development days and observance of the Catholic Holy Days of Obligation. Our school calendar is available here.
A. Busing to and from St. Rose of Lima School is available for Newtown residents, and is provided by All-Star Transportation. Newtown bus information is available here. Residents of other towns must provide their own transportation.
A. Students from outside of Newtown have a specific area for drop-off and pick-up directly in front of the school. Parents are provided with<a value="https://irp.cdn-website.com/38607027/files/uploaded/2024-25 Car Walk Map.pdf" label="" type="file" href="https://irp.cdn-website.com/38607027/files/uploaded/2024-25 Car Walk Map.pdf" file="true" data-runtime-url="https://irp.cdn-website.com/38607027/files/uploaded/2024-25 Car Walk Map.pdf"> a map outlining where to drop-off and pick-up students.
A. St. Rose of Lima School students wear uniforms in grades K – 8. Many families find this makes life easier! Uniforms are purchased through Lands’ End. The school also operates a uniform exchange to help families share extra and/or gently-used uniform items. Please visit our Uniform Page for more information.
A. A local restaurant provides our hot lunch program. Milk is also available. Menus are posted monthly and orders must be placed and paid online at least 11 days in advance. St. Rose is a nut-free school. Connecticut state guidelines regarding nut-free schools can be accessed here.
A. School hours for grades K – 8 are Monday through Friday, 7:50am – 2:50 p.m. Preschool schedules and hours for early dismissals and delayed openings can be found on the School Hours page.
A. Students must be 5 years old by September 1st of the school year.
Our Transitional Kindergarten program is an ideal choice for children who have late-summer and fall birthdays after the September 1st cut-off or who have birthdays close to the cut-off and would benefit from an extra year before Kindergarten.
A. Tuition assistance is available. Please click here to read more about the Bishop's Scholarship Fund. Please contact our school bookkeeper, Mr. Larry Rice bookkeeper@stroseschool.com, if you have questions about tuition.
A. Yes, our school nurse is on-site every day and cares for all students from Pre-School to Grade 8. To learn more, please visit the School Nurse page.
A. Pre-care is available for Preschool students from 7:45 to 8:45 daily. Preschool 4s and Transitional Kindergarten also have an Extended Hour option until 2:45 pm.
A. Please call the school at (203) 426-5102 and notify the secretary or school nurse of your child’s absence. We will hope for your child’s quick recovery!
A. St. Rose follows the Newtown Public Schools decisions for weather-related closings and delays. Parents are automatically enrolled to receive emails, phone calls and/or text messages in the event of a delay, closing, or other emergency. Parents may opt-out of these messages by contacting Katelyn Doane.
A. Parents may purchase a School Pass pad, which is used to notify the school of any changes to dismissal. To purchase school passes, email secretary@stroseschool.com
A. The Home and School Association holds a number of fundraising events throughout the year. There are additional ways to support our school, including Box Tops and the Raise Right (formerly Scrip) gift card programs. In addition, contributions can be made to the St. Rose Blooms Fund.
Donations can also be mailed to the school, attention Advancement Office, St. Rose School, 40 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470 (checks made out to St. Rose School). Your support gives children in Preschool to 8th grade the opportunity to receive a stellar academic, faith focused education where they bloom in mind, heart and soul. Thank you and God bless!
A. Parent volunteers are a very important contributor to our school community! There are many ways to help. All volunteers must be VIRTUS trained. Contact secretary@srles.com for details.
A. Our Principal sends a weekly newsletter on Fridays during the school year. Teachers also keep our parents informed about grade and class events. You can locate recent copies of the newsletter on our Parents tab.
St. Rose of Lima